Player Troubleshooting

Quick solutions to common player related issues

Invalid token

This message appears in the player if the player either misses a token or uses an invalid token. The troubleshooting scenario is slightly different depending on the type of embed you are using.

Cloud-hosted player or Iframe embed

  • If you use a Cloud-hosted player or Iframe embed it's always automatically configured with a token and in that case you should check the billing section to see if you account is still active. If your account is disabled, the player will start working within 30 minutes after the account has been reactivated.
  • If you account is active and you get this error message you should contact support.

Self-hosted player

  • First, make sure you have added a token to the player config. If not, log in on your account and download a new token that can be added to the config.
  • If you have a token in the player config, make sure that the token is a valid token for your account and has not been revoked. This can be done in the "Player Tokens"-section.
  • If you have a valid sign and still get the error, check the billing section to see if your account is still active. If your account is disabled, the player will start working within 30 minutes after the account has been reactivated.
  • If you account is active and you get this error message you should contact support.

Element ID and UMD Conflict

This is a tricky one by an arcane spec known as named acccess on the window object. Which means if you create an element with and id that conflicts with a umd global, you might find unexpected problems for yourself. This is especially important in single-page applications where DOM nodes maybe both rendered and removed very quickly during a session.

As a rule never create elements that have ids which conflict with umd namespaces.

// import the flowplayer umd
<script src="">
// uh oh, we just removed the umd
<div id="flowplayer">
// attempt to create a flowplayer instance
  // flowplayer umd is now the `<div>` element
  // browsers implicitly add global variables to
  // the window object by DOM id

Using async attribute with flowplayer assets

it is possible to add an async attribute to a <script> tag, and some resources tout this as a way to speed up webpage loading.

It has a hidden cost however, by adding this attribute you are telling the javascript parser that the order that this script is evaluated in is unimportant. This is very problematic when attempting to wire plugins together by loading only the subresources needed.

Generally speaking, do not add async to our asset tags

We care deeply about performance, and have spent many painstaking hours reducing our bundled code size and optimizing it for gzip compression, usually the bottleneck is not with us, but if you are still unconvinced please ping us on support and we will see if we cannot help with your problem.

Incompatible libraries

Below is a list of third party libraries that are known to cause potential problems either for playback or ad playback. We recommmend thorough testing before using these libraries simultaneously with Flowplayer.

  • lazysizes
    • on some setups we have discovered incompatibilites with lazysizes and the IMA SDK on iOS resulting in ad playback problems on iPhones.

How can I enabled Flash support

Flash is deprecated and no longer supported by Adobe or Flowplayer
